Tuesday 16 September 2014

Sponsored Reviews - Make money writing on your own blog

Sponsored reviews is little complicated to understand initially and this site can help blog owners to make money through article writing. There are many clients or advertisers on sponsores reviews who are constantly looking for articles.

 In simple words you have to be a blog owner to post the articles requested by the advertiser on your blog. Either the advertiser will ask the publisher or blog owner to write the content related to its business and post it on your blog or will provide the content to be repost on your blog. Now here it is not like article sold, payment received and forget, here it is different.

These are known as sponsored posts so as a blog owner you are selling sponsored posts.
Advertisers pays anything between 5$-500$ depending about the quality of article and reputation of the blog. Earning is endless here and it is up to you as to how many sponsored post you wish to write.
Click on the image to read more details,
Here you need to have a paypal account and any number of blogs. You can create your blog profile for the advertisers and you can bid on the jobs posted by the advertisers on sponsored reviews. Once you are accepted you have 5 days to complete the task and publish that post on your blog and provide the url of the sponsored post into their system. They will check if the article meets all the guidelines and it has to be permanent and archived and once approved you get your money via paypal.
Now joining is very simple but there are few requirements for your blog to be approved like it has to be at least 3 months old with 10 archived posts amd 10 backlinks with no copied or duplicate content.
The best to get success and traffic through this system is writing  content that is relevant to your blog, writing unpaid articles and long good quality articles.

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